Sunday, January 28, 2007

some parts of my last trip...

Some months back, I went for a short trip to some parts not explored.... Part mistake and part education, an introduction to some parts of myself I never knew about and to things I don’t want in my life. Gives one clarity!!
But no, lets leave that aside. Today, I am talking about the good parts of the trip....this is old stuff..which i just jotted down then...random thoughts...

The sun is rising on the right. From my window on the left, the sky is still dark and blue, the moon is sparkling silver white. The plains below are hazy lines and textures. Once in a while, it shimmers up at different places, and, I then realize, that it is the moon reflecting off the water below, flashes of curves and lines-white silver light.
----Sometime later, the sun reflects off the underside of the wing, turning it light orange pink. It is complimented by a lighter sky with a hazier moon, cut right across by feather clouds, the pinkish orange staying over this line----more beautiful than one can ever describe. It looks just the way the sky looks in movies, when they pan the shot climbing up the stratosphere towards space.
-----as the sun climbed higher and we neared the airport, the landscape was just as viewed from google earth. It makes you laugh, how much this place is like a painting. Clean, perfect lines, flat colours and no greys. A birds eye view shows the city laid out precisely, with nothing looking out of place. The buildings are all old, nut looking at them one can’t really believe that. Perfect straight lines, no illegal construction, complete uniformity, but even despite that, a very strong personal identity to each and every building.

Green, green trees, perfectly planned communal spaces, wherein every need and thought has been planned for and given space. There are people, but not so many. There is hardly any litter. Beggars don’t come running across to harass you, the way the firangs are treated in our country. You are not stared at here, but are funnily enough accepted. Is it really so, or are we just plain ignored?
But the best part is, that I have never ever seen so many birds –ducks, swans, geese and myriad others that I do not even recognize abound and live around the same spaces that people do. There are quaint seating areas built around you mini canals everywhere, where one can just go and relax and unwind.
----the sky is absolutely open, blue with white swirls of clouds-whispers across the skies, as if someone’s just taken a brush and lightly swirled it across. The sun’s up from 5 to about 10.30 –11 at night. Long days of summer to relax in. Perfect light for my camera! Its bright white light – doesn’t get any more intense than at 6 in the morning and remains so the whole day, flagging off only when its about to set 10ish…
Quaintest is to see people cycling away, leisurely, 8 year olds to 80 years olds….

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