Friday, August 3, 2007

lamenting the fact that we have internet explorer

i so very much hate internet explorer...!

nothing ever seems to open up completely on it...
the most common refrain it echoes out is....

"done..but with errors on page"
i rue the day Bill Gates thought he had come up with a fool proof..bug free edition..! btw..why am i even lamenting this fact..! its known that without doing so...he would never have made the huge mountian of dough (read of loot) he has made...

wish I had come up with the idea..and knew some coding to get down n do it..!!heheh..

so i do the intelligent thing and pound away on mozilla whenever i can...

here's to grey matter finally winning over..!!

1 comment:

Sam said...

You've been tagged!! Chek my blog for details...