Friday, November 17, 2006

counting my blessings-1

first in - my family...

i never realised how MUCH i depended on them till this year...
they have always been around, supporting me, encouraging me, rooting for me, when no one else did.... there have been ups and lots of downs, but i have sailed through them only cos i was always supported by them and had them around...

some more thoughts

the past year has been an year, when i have changed jobs, cities, people i used spend time with and in a lot of cases;all the stuff i have always done. in the process, i have had no time, lots of time, some

no time scenarios somehow now seem to be heaven sent, b'cos your head and your thoughts do not make you question your beliefs, ideas, principles,basically what you are. the scenario gives you no time to question any of your actions other than the work you are currenlty involved in..its great as u have this sense of achievement and accomplishment.

some free time days were also good. they allowed me to relax and unwind and get back to work full force. these times are recuperating days for the first scenario - recharge, refresh and back to the grind...

but, i just hate the lots of time-free times, cos they absolutely kill me..emotionally,mentally..n hehe yes..financially.

todays thoughts

i was going through one of my friends blogspots and thought of:
1.i agree with her completely on a lot of things
2. i never knew she felt like that about things
3. how can u open up yourself for the whole world to read about your innermost feelings? that u have done so - does anyone really care?